The thing to know about Jeremy is that, while he’s led an eventful life, his passion and enthusiasm for his Mazda vehicles is infectious. Case in point, here we find ourselves in a shouse (his words – a shed house) on a rural New South Wales property in the middle of Summer with memorabilia, Apex seals and the gorgeous RX4 coupe.

This RX4 is an original LA 23s turbocharged 13B with 5-speed engine and gearbox sitting upon leaf springs and disc brakes. It was advertised for $5000 as a rolling shell and once located in a storage shed in Queanbeyan. Jeremy got to work and hasn’t stopped since – money, labour and a few engines later, the car goes like a bullet and stops on a dime to a current total of 43,000 kms on the clock. A ride in this car leaves you a different person.

Works include underside clean-up, a Hilux diff, coil overs, RX7 FD front brakes, set of Simmons rims, a belt off a mower and Holden Astra electric power steering pump in the boot. The colour scheme is Indian Ochre. Jeremy drives the car as much as possible, usually with a degree of speed involved and, unlike others, prefers to keep outings constant and allow others an opportunity to experience the RX4.

On reflection Jeremy considers the RX4 a Japanese muscle car; comparative to an American Mustang. A tough looking vehicle great on stance running 400 horsepower to the wheels. He acknowledges what you get out of a rotary is what you put in regardless of street, drag or casual driving. Jeremy’s preference is street, and while a lap around the track is fun, it’s just as at home down the shops getting bread and milk.

As we wrap up, Jeremy acknowledges the difference between an RX4 and a modern SP is the lack of steel bumpers. He considers this the benchmark when car design changed from what he terms ‘old school’ to the miles of plastic found today.

He offers a ride back to Canberra. Our Photographer gladly accepts and hops in, unaware of how much his experience with fast cars is about to change.
Photographed by Tyler Parrott at Tyler P. Media feat Jeremy Agerbeek. Words by Justin Bush and Austography Film Image Inc. for MazdACT, January 2024.